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28 December 2021 Final news update for the year - Daniel Prendiville's track MODESTY AUDIT features on MIDNIGHTRADIOCOMPILATION 109, which is available to download from Bandcamp. Enjoy it and have a Happy New Year!

8 December 2021 Some compilation catch-up to do!

Daniel Prendiville's track POSITIVE BACKWARD STEP is featured on MIDNIGHTRADIOCOMPILATION 108, the latest in this ever-expanding series of releases. Top-notch quaiity throughout, as always. Download it from Bandcamp.

But wait! Daniel also has a track, AIMSIR, on the new compilation for Kalamine Records, .​.​.​Of The Planet, Its Throbbing Beat Of Life, And The Neverending Cycle Of Change And Rebirth. We could tell you what this is all about, but it might be easier to let Kalamine say it for us:-

"...and of the soul of this planet, the essence of which is passion, and beauty, and pain, and rebirth, over and over again. And for all that, it remains a beautiful world, magical and wondrous. No matter the circumstances.

The cornucopia of life is always surprising; it always leaves you speechless, always makes your heart skip a beat and your mind go wild. For some it is a curse, for others, it is a delight, for most of us it is simply a part of who we are. It is in the humblest of places, on a small planet in the vast, empty universe, a tiny point of light in an infinite universe."

What they said... Download the album from Bandcamp.

And finally, Daniel's track NAMES ARE IRRELEVANT features on the latest  tʌntrə compilation album,  tʌntrə xx. No issues with the track title this time! 70 tracks - great value for money!. Download the album from Bandcamp.

26 September 2021 Daniel Prendiville releases his fifth album for 2021 - GULAG SESSIONS Vol. 6. Another rollercaster ride around the periphery of rock &, probably not. In fact, it's more "live" electronic music from Daniel's archive. Download it now exclusively from Bandcamp.

26 September 2021 More compilation news for youze...

Daniel Prendiville's track THE LOST IDEA features on MIDNIGHTRADIO COMPILATION 107. This is a brand new track and doesn't feature on any other release. Yet. If you wnat  to get it while it's hot, you can download the album from Bandcamp.

But there's more - Daniel also has a track - WHAT YOU DO - featuring on the in.flux compilation for the French label, Kalamine Records.The album supports the work of LGBTQ+ producers and their allies "who make their voices heard, tell their stories in sound, or assert the freedom to love whomever they want or identify as they please". A cause worth supporting whatever your orientation and identification. You can download the album from Bandcamp.

3 September 2021 Daniel Prendiville's track GOLDBEATER'S SKIN, from Daniel's album HARMONISED SYSTEMS, features on the latest  tʌntrə compilation album,  tʌntrə xviii. Again, unfotunately, the track has been miistitled on the compilation, obviously because WE made the mistake, and not because THEY didn't read the covering message on Wetransfer. I mean, other people can get it right, and English isn't even their mother tongue. Anyway, it is what it is and we are where we are and you rip what you sew etc. etc. Don't let any of the above stop you from downloading the album from Bandcamp.

11 August 2021 Daniel Prendiville releases his fourth album for 2021 - GULAG SESSIONS Vol. 5. And yes, you guessed it, it's the fifth in the series of GULAG SESSIONS albums. More "live" experimental electronic music. If you ike that type of thing, then this is just the thing for you. No joking, like. The album is available for download exclusively from Bandcamp.

8 August 2021 Two Daniel Prendiville tracks feature on MIDNIGHTRADIO COMPILATION 106. The tracks in question are ISOLATION (GLACIAL), which is an out-take from Daniel's album FOR THE ARTIST, and A SEQUENCE, which had been submitted for inclusion in another compilation album,but for some reason ended up on this one. No, we don't know either. Hey, ho! Anyway, the album can be downloaded from Bandcamp.



Meanwhile, Daniel has also contributed a new track to the compilation album FAREWELL  LAETITIA, in honour of the late Laetitia Schteinberg, who recorded music under the name Ars Sonor, and who sadly took her own life earlier this year. Daniel's track, THE CLOUDS WILL ALWAYS BE HERE, was created especially for this compilation, which is available for free download from the Internet Archive. By the way, Ars Sonor's music is well worth checking out, if you have a mind to do so...

29 June 2021 Daniel Prendiville's track "THE BENEFITS OF OCASSIONALLY STANDING STILL" (please note the quotation marks - it's a bit like Bowie and "HEROES", if you have me...), from his 2016 album HARMONISED SYSTEMS, features on the latest - for now-  tʌntrə compilation album - namely  tʌntrə XVI. This time, they got the title right, but I had to retitle the relevant wav flle appropriately - I mean, they couldn't possibly have got it wrong this time out. And they didn't, bless their cotton socks. You can download the album from Bandcamp.

12 June 2021 Daniel Prendiville releases his third album for 2021 - SHAOBHADH. The track features two long tracks which can probably be accurately described as experimental/noise. So, no Motown covers then - just for your information. If you feel brave enough, you can download the album exclusively from Bandcamp.

12 June 2021


Daniel Prendiville's track PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOUR, from his 2020 album DOWNSIZE THE UNIVERSE, features on yet another in the  tʌntrə  series of compilations, this time -  tʌntrə XV. Unfortunately, once again, the track has been mis-titled, this time as PATTERNSMASTER, but what the hey - no one forced us to be creative persons and to think that our works had any merits. Whatsoever. You can download the album from Bandcamp.



Meanwhile, over in the world of MIDNIGHT RADIO, Daniel's track THE HIGHS AND LOWS OF HIGHS AND LOWS, an out take from his FOR THE ARTIST, is featured on MIDNIGHTRADIO COMPLATION 105, which can be downladed from Bandcamp. It's all good, man...




And finally, for now at least, Daniel's collaborative track with Eisenlager, TVC15 DPE, is featured on EIsenlager's album E FOR COMPILATION E WITH FRIENDS 16 - available for download from Bandcamp. The eagle-eyed amongst you that this track already featured on MIDNIGHTRADIO COMPILATION 102 (see below). Aren't you GREAT...?


3 May 2021 Daniel Prendiville's track, GET THERE IN THE END, an out-take from his album FOR THE ARTIST, is featured on MIDNIGHTRADIO COMPILATION 104, which is available for download from Bandcamp. You won't hear Daniel's track anywhere else, so what better reason do you need to download this album? Oh, and it's great as well!


And while we're on the subject of great compilation albums, Daniel also has a track on tʌntrə XIV, which is also available to download from Bandcamp. This time out, the track featured is THE ALMOST-FORGOTTEN MAN, from FOR THE ARTIST. And the track is titled correctly too - what more could a body ask for...?

28 March 2021 Daniel Prendiville's track, HOW I WISH IT WAS YESTERDAY OR TOMORROW, from his album FOR THE ARTIST, is featured on tʌntrə XIII, which is available to download from Bandcamp. For some reason, on this album, the track's title has been changed to HOW. How that happened, we will never know. We try to remain good-humoured about things like this...

16 March 2021 Daniel Prendiville release his second album of 2021 - FOR THE ARTIST. A collection of ambient and experimental tracks inspired by a painting by Lea Halvorsen, which features as the cover art for the album. Thus completing some form of circle. Not that that was the intention, you'll understand. Download the album exclusively from Bandcamp.

12 February 2021 Daniel Prendiville's track, IMPERFECT SPECIMEN, is featured on MIDNIGHTRADIO COMPILATION 102, which is available to download from Bandcamp. Lots of interesting music contained therein. Check it out...

24 January 2021 Daniel Prendiville's track, MY NIGHT WITH THE HITTITES, from his album AFTER THE AFTERMATH, is feautured on tʌntrə XIl, which is available to download from Bandcamp. These compilations are well worth checking out.

24 January 2021 Daniel Prendiville has made three of his albums, GREETINGS, FELLOW SUFFERERS, INFORMALDEHYDE and TRAVAIL AGENT available to stream on Audius. Daniel will explore further options for streaming his music as they come to his attention. Feel free to check the Audius page out!

24 January 2021 Daniel Prendiville collaborates with EISENLAGER on the track TVC15 DPE, which features on MIDNIGHT RADIO COMPILATION 101, which is available from Bandcamp.

1 January 2021 Daniel Prendiville releases his first album of 2021, AFTER THE AFTERMATH. A combination of ambient and experimental electronic music. Something for nobody, in other words. But hey, there's plenty of things in the world to be pessimistic about these days. One more thing won't do any harm. The album is available for download exclusively from Bandcamp.